Improving Mental Health With AI

The topic of mental health is probably one of the most talked-about in recent years and is especially relevant during current times. Though youngsters can meet up with friends and family, it is particularly difficult for the elderly to do so, which is why their mental health deteriorates the hardest. On that note, let's look at the robot that's spreading joy among the elderly.

Meet PARO, an AI robot created by Professor Takanori Shibata. PARO takes the form of a baby seal and aims to uplift the spirits of many dementia patients. Around 50 million people in the world have dementia, which means patients can be affected by mental health issues. Fortunately, PARO was proven to reduce depression and improve socialisation for patients. The robot, by an AI algorithm, can respond to its name and can detect if it is being stroked or hit. It can also move its body to show it is alive and will behave according to the user's preference.


An image of PARO. Credit: Google


A study in South-East Queensland, Australia showed that a sample of 380 adults (60 and over) had an improvement in stress, mood and socialisation. The study, conducted over ten weeks, is one of the many that shows interaction with PARO stimulates mental health benefits.

Some people may have negative behaviours such as agitation, aggression and wandering, but PARO helps to improve their mood and reduce their pain, anxiety and depression, and then they stop or reduce these negative behaviours,
— Professor Takanori Shibata

Though I have talked about PARO treating dementia patients, it can also aid with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), social isolation, palliative and hospice care. And the best part of PARO is that it can be given to anyone with these disorders. Age is not a factor.

One could argue that PARO is just a robot and is giving false happiness to its users. But isn't it the happiness provided that counts? If we take a look at the bigger picture, the elderly do need emotional support to help them get through to the end. The treatment with PARO comes under the term emotional therapy, and just like emotional support dogs, PARO serves the same purpose. It is not always feasible to provide an animal to a patient, but you can always give a robot. Yes, PARO isn't alive, but wouldn't it be nice to feel happy during your last days.


An early video of PARO. Credit: YouTube


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EthicsManas Mathapati