Posts in COVID-19
The Robot Dog That is Enforcing Social Distancing

The enforcement of social distancing has proven a great challenge for governments around the world, but Boston Dynamics believe they have a solution.

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How the use of artificial intelligence can shift the course of the COVID-19 Epidemic.

From detecting symptoms and diseases, artificial intelligence has a outstanding track record when dealing with medical problems. Since the new medical crisis have appeared, many leaders are wondering whether artificial intelligence can aid in combating the new illness, COVID-19 or more formally known, the coronavirus.

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How Does COVID-19 Affect The Heart - and How Could AI Help?

Mayo Clinic, our beloved and esteemed research centre in Minnesota, and Ultromics, an innovator in the field of cardiology through its AI powered tools, have joined forces to establish the effects of coronavirus on the heart. In this article, we explore what the study intends to discover and what more it could add to our limited knowledge of the virus.

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