Are Humans Smarter Than Computers?
Who’s smarter? Is it the man-made computer itself that’s smarter, or is it the man? Artificial Intelligence is a key concept that helps us humans understand how smart a computer really is. Humans knowing about artificial intelligence gives us the benefit, us humans would know what a computer, embedded system is made to do- meaning we would also spot an anomaly straight away.
In many ways computers are smarter than humans, some being the abnormally strong memory they have, no human possibly could contain memory as strong as a computer. Otherwise, you’d become crazy. Another advantage computers have over people, consists of the fact they learn and process faster than an average human. Therefore, computers may be smarter than we think…
John McCathy, one of the key founders of the concept of ‘Artificial intelligence.’ Source: Google
However, humans also have advantages over computers, some being: using life experiences to avoid a fault, using instincts to follow a situation or a thought, or even common sense; us humans have the ability to assume if something would go as planned whereas computers don’t. Humans have the upper hand when it comes to creativity such as writing, singing, acting and many other factors which would take computers a long time to master unless embedded for the exact job. Making us humans stay superior.
Specifically speaking, an artificial intelligence expert Professor Shlomo Maital was asked “will computers be smarter than humans?” to which he replies: “Yes and no.” Proceeding to explain his answer he uses a computer as an example writing: “No because it is simply able to calculate an enormous number of possible chess moves in a fraction of a second … Speed is not intelligence. But, yes, because it is able to analyse these chess moves and pick the best sufficiently well…” when writing about a computer playing chess. Thus making us wonder if computers are secretly smarter than we think.
As of right now, the human capacity to store information is still much greater than that of computers. Also, while computers are considered ‘smarter’ that's a misconception; computers can't really ‘think’ they’re just like a book, they store information and can recall it effortlessly… They are faster at predicting if plans will “succeed” by use of statistics; but at the same time, if the matter at hand doesn’t have sufficient past data they won’t be able to use statistics, due to lack of information.
ENIAC- also known as the world’s first ever computer. Invented by: Presper Eckert and John Mauchly in 1943. Source: Google
It is also a big debate whether people or computers ‘analyse faster’ depending on whether you’re comparing conscious or unconscious thought patterns, external reactions vs instinct…
Ultimately, the question still stands and therefore has different answers. Do you believe computers are smarter than humans?