Is artificial intelligence a threat to our livelihood?
With the technology of artificial intelligence increasing and growing more complex, new forms of artificial intelligence is coming out of the closet. The changes of artificial intelligence are bringing prosperity and productivity to many but anxiety and paranoia to others, a fear of artificial intelligence replacing workers and jobs.
Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is very useful when tackling issues where humans fail or can’t do for safety measures. With data stored in them, they are able perform tasks in such a quick and efficient speed that outperforms humans in every way. For example, some AIs can become safer drivers for passengers, as a result this makes rides safer and faster. This means that AIs could become better, safer and cheaper alternative to workers. For employers, this sounds preferable, but to workers, this could lead to unemployment.

Image shown displays a mschine performing a job a human could have possibly done. Credit: Astechprojects
To paint a better picture to what occurs to workers when AIs start replacing jobs, a study from the McKinsey Global Institute shows that by 2030, automation could take away up to 30% of the jobs that workers do right now -- a total of about 800 million jobs. Other studies point to a similar fate for workers. Oxford University researchers studied 702 occupations and found that “47% of U.S. workers have a high probability of seeing their jobs automated over the next 20 years.” This will lead a huge increase in unemployment and poverty amongst the working class.
Would this mean a future where humans will be replaced by robots? Will poverty rise within the population? Is this going to mean artificial intelligence will replace the workforce?
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