Some Updates in the World of AI


On September 18th The Lancet Digital Health released an article called ” Artificial intelligence in COVID-19 drug repurposing” (written by Yadi Zhou, PhD, Prof Fei Wang, PhD, Prof Jian Tang, PhD,  Prof Ruth Nussinov, PhD, Prof Feixiong Cheng, PhD) in the article it explained how artificial intelligence is being used for drug reproposing ,which is where an already existing is drug used to fight novel diseases such as COVID-19.

Artificial intelligence is being used to speed up this process, with the exponential growth in computing power, memory storage and a plethora of data its only right for the medical sector to use this to speed up a process that help fight against the worlds latest threat that is COVID-19.

So how is artificial intelligence being used to speed up this process, well the article explains how artificial intelligence used for extracting hidden patterns and evidence from biomedical data, which otherwise would have been done manually saving a considerable amount of time.


In connection to the medical sector, artificial intelligence in medicine may be racially biased. Just like explained above artificial intelligence has transformed the healthcare and has really cut the time on many aspects of medicine such as making a breast or lung cancer diagnosis based on imaging studies, or deciding when patients should be discharged in a matter of second which is just incredible, but like all good things it comes with its flaws. During the pandemic we are currently in some researchers are raising question if these technologies may be contributing to the high rates of infection and death among the African-Americans studies show that African-Americans between the ages of 35 to 44 that sadly become infected with COVID-19 have a mortality rate 9 times higher than white Americans. As we all probably remember during the early stages of the pandemic there was very few African-Americans that contracted Covid-19, Public health officials in states such as California, Illinois, Tennessee, and Texas have said that decisions about whom and where to test was data-driven. The early focus on prosperous White communities enabled thousands of unknowingly infected people in less affluent areas to quickly spread across cities whose citizens suffer extremely high rates of underlying health conditions that create more serious and critical cases of Covid-19.

This may be the cause of the high rates of mortality among the African-American communities due to the bias of artificial intelligence from the very beginning these technologies should be verified by a range of different backgrounds before being deployed into the real world .

Autonomous Vehicles-

On a lighter note, IBM and ProMare announced the launch of an autonomous trimaran research vessel called Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS). This Wednesday the vessel was deployed off the coast of Plymouth, England where the Mayflower also set sail for America in 1620 400 years ago. It took 2 years of construction and to perfect the AI models that would be running the vessel.

The AI models include a” captain” that has the ability to “sense” its environment and make vital decision while navigating a crewless ship.

Able to scan the horizon for possible hazards, make informed decisions and change its course based on a fusion of live data, the Mayflower Autonomous Ship has more in common with a modern bank than its 17th century namesake,”
“With its ability to keep running in the face of the most challenging conditions, this small ship is a microcosm for every aspiring 21st century business.
— Andy Stanford-Clark, CTO at IBM UK & Ireland in a press release
Image of MAS Credit: Smart Maritime Network

Image of MAS Credit: Smart Maritime Network

Along with the vessel launch IBM and ProMare also announced a web portal that allows us to see real time updates on MAS’ location and information about ongoing research.

Thumbnail Credits: Simplilearn