In these times of uncertainty and concern, our senior citizens face even more difficulties and hardships than usual. With cases in care homes subject to rapid rising in the last few weeks, see how AI could help with the management of health concerning our cherished seniors.
Read MoreThe Coronavirus outbreak has been brutal on the travel industry. Uber has devised a plan using AI that can help it return.
Read MoreThe enforcement of social distancing has proven a great challenge for governments around the world, but Boston Dynamics believe they have a solution.
Read MoreThe rise of Covid-19 is truly a tragedy that will be a central theme in the stories passed on by our generation to the next, to no further extent in history has there been a greater need for the intelligence of the world to collaborate to give us all a solution to move forward, but how could artificial intelligence help?
Read MoreIn a race to develop a vaccine against the virus, Google’s AlphaFold system will try to accurately predict the 3D structure of the protein that forms the surface of the Covid-19 virus.
Read MoreAndrew Ng’s Landing AI has developed a ‘social distancing detector’ that uses machine learning to determine if people are maintaining a safe distance in the workplace during this crisis where social distancing is essential.
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