Posts by Manas Mathapati
Improving Mental Health With AI

The topic of mental health is probably one of the most talked-about in recent years and is especially relevant during current times. Though youngsters can meet up with friends and family, it is particularly difficult for the elderly to do so, which is why their mental health deteriorates the hardest. On that note, let's look at the robot that's spreading joy among the elderly.

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EthicsManas Mathapati
Getting COVID-19 Results, Quickly…

More than four months have passed since the lockdown rules were implemented, though you may have applied a litre of hand sanitizer or gone through an uncountable number of face masks by now, we just want to be safe. And knowing if we have the disease can potentially save the lives of our friends and family. Let's look at the AI that helps us combat COVID-19.

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AI, Fashion, And The Bigger Picture

Have you ever ordered a shirt online and when it arrived, found out it was too large? Or realised the size of the shoes you received were too small? Yes, it happens to everyone. Yet AI can solve that. The fashion industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, accounting for 2% of global GDP, so let's have a look at how AI is helping out.

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Music Made By AI

In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the first-ever phonograph cylinder, a device that could record sound and play it back. Now, 143 years later we have a robot that has made its album. Yes, you read that right. Here we have a robot that has shown us a glimpse of the future of music.

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The Development of Radiotherapy Through AI

There are 367,167 new cases of cancer each year according to Cancer Research UK and roughly 18 million people have it globally. Yet, there is a treatment that contributes to 40% of cures and is highly effective in reducing the risk of cancer progressing onto further stages. Let's have a look at radiotherapy and what AI is doing to help out.

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AI and Food?

Have you ever wanted to try something new to eat? Or figure out what you're eating? This may have been a problem 20 years ago, where you might have consulted a culinary expert, but not anymore…

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Will AI Take My Job?

AI is one of the most talked-about topics in the 21st Century. We hear the word regularly and there is non-stop news on how much it is progressing, but have we ever thought about how it could affect us? Yes, we could think about how it makes our lives more plain-sailing, yet that is not what I mean. I'll reshape the question: what will AI do to us?

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AI That Can Detect Skin Cancer

Melanoma skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK. According to Cancer Research UK, there are around 16,200 cases each year and since the early 1990s, skin cancer incidence rates have more than doubled. Before the situation becomes increasingly difficult to handle, what is AI doing to counter it?

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The Book You Should Read

I'll be honest, I don't read that much. I tend to read a book once in two months and by chance, I found this book. Little did I know, this book about AI would be the best piece of writing I have come across in a long time.

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Manas Mathapati
How Is AI Influencing Cybersecurity?

We are living in an age where we have access to almost anything online. There is simply no restriction for one to buy clothes, invest in stocks, or like a friend's picture. Yet with such freedom, there will always be a cost, that one person or the other is willing to exploit.

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