Getting COVID-19 Results, Quickly…

More than four months have passed since the lockdown rules were implemented, though you may have applied a litre of hand sanitizer or gone through an uncountable number of face masks by now, we just want to be safe. And knowing if we have the disease can potentially save the lives of our friends and family. Let's look at the AI that helps us combat COVID-19.

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Could AI Ever Replicate The Human Brain?

How close are we to creating an artificial intelligence system that could mirror the capabilities of the brain? Could the creation of a “generally intelligent” AI help us to further understand the way our brain works. This article covers the interesting theories, concepts and limitations that come into play when artificial intelligence meets neuroscience.

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Preesha Gehlot
How Dubai is Using AI to Fight Infection in its Hospitals

The Dubai Health Authority has recently deployed eight AI-powered robots into its hospitals and clinics to sterilise facilities independent of human intervention. This coincides with the reopening of the city’s regular diagnostic and therapeutic services as new cases of COVID-19 are being reduced, and allows more thorough and efficient disinfection while offering greater protection to human staff.

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