The rise of AI is powered by big data. Big data is gotten by big number of customers. Big number of customers is gotten by a good AI. A good AI is gotten by big data, and the circle of life continues. Don’t be evil.
Alex Cruz spoke at the AI Summit at London Tech Week about how artificial intelligence is going to change industry of air travel.
The rise of dangerous military AI is ever growing and a government-appointed panel in the United States has said in a draft report to Congress that it is America’s “moral imperative” to keep pursuing the development of AI-powered weaponry. This article will explore both the technological and ethical arguments to this dilemma. Intrigued? Read on to find out….
We sit down with Seyed, co-founder of Cognetivity, in an interview discussing the potential of AI in revolutionising the future of healthcare. Read on to find out more…
We’re not going to waste any time trying to explain TikTok because you probably know what it is already. So how is TikTok using AI to conquer the world? Read on to find out….
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to talk to Yoni Friedman a sales engineer at Gloat who talked to me about all the work that Gloat is up to. In this article I will cover how this AI company works, the implications of their work and finally what future opportunities this presents.
Online retailers have one aim in mind when designing their website: how can I maximise the amount of web traffic actually buying/investing in my products? That’s where Evolv comes in. We sit down with Steve Bamberger, COO of Evolv, to find out what digital growth optimisation is all about…
We already know how AI is used in facial recognition systems, helping you unlock your phone using just your face. But now, facial recognition can work even with face-masks. But how? Read on to find out….
As AI technology advances, processor performance requirements have also advanced. Are AI accelerators the way forward?
Dior, Armani, Yves Saint Laurent….IBM? Read on to find how AI is conquering yet another market you didn’t expect it to be in.
Exploring the great threat posed by AI-assisted crime to society and how the risks can be mitigated.
The Japanese luxury car manufacturer Lexus used IBM’s Watson AI system to script a car advert for the new Lexus ES executive sedan car. How did they do this? Read on to find out…
A newly published Microsoft report reveals all as it warns of the danger to the UK economy and businesses global competitiveness if they do not get ahead of the technological revolution that artificial intelligence brings.
If you’ve ever wondered whether AI robots can flip burgers then this is the article for you!
In an increasingly interconnected world, many speculate the next thing to connect with the internet is our brain…
A dive into how AI can contribute to the UK economy at a market as well as firm level using the latest McKinsey report on the topic.
VR is undoubtedly a promising technology with a great future ahead of it, but how exactly does it use Artificial Intelligence, and what is its potential?
Have you ever ordered a shirt online and when it arrived, found out it was too large? Or realised the size of the shoes you received were too small? Yes, it happens to everyone. Yet AI can solve that. The fashion industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, accounting for 2% of global GDP, so let's have a look at how AI is helping out.
Imagine a world where all the best-selling novels and highest-rated films are written by AI. Imagine a world where your favourite songs are written, produced and performed entirely by AI. Thanks to OpenAI, that world might soon be our reality.
The pandemic has been brutal on the travel industry. Uber has devised a plan using AI that can help it return.
In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the first-ever phonograph cylinder, a device that could record sound and play it back. Now, 143 years later we have a robot that has made its album. Yes, you read that right. Here we have a robot that has shown us a glimpse of the future of music.
Google’s use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has expanded the capabilities of Google Maps beyond what was initially conceivable. Read on to find out how….
In hiring a top Google exec, banking corporation JPMorgan seem to be betting big on the future of AI in multinational banking. Apoorv Saxena was Google’s head of product management for cloud-based AI, but in heading up JPMorgan’s AI division, Financial analysts say that this hiring is part of a greater AI-based future strategy designed to increase customer engagement, develop new services and products and expand JPMorgan’s customer base. This article looks at how JPMorgan are using AI in modern (and future) banking.
A condition that has no cure. A condition that has very generic risk factors. And, a condition that could make your life living hell.
Landings are the trickiest parts of drone flight: unpredictable ground turbulence is hard to compensate for and makes achieving a smooth landing very difficult. Researchers at Caltech have used AI to create the “Neural Lander” - a system that adjusts the flight of the drone to ensure a smooth landing.
Artificial intelligence is an extremely powerful technology that’s not going anywhere, in fact the only way for artificial intelligence is up into unimaginable territory, hopefully that territory is filled with rainbows and unicorns metaphorically speaking but the only way we can even step into the territory is for us to find a way to regulate and use artificial Intelligence ethically if not it can cause a lot of harm.
Handwriting a piece of text can be tedious to do, especially if it is the same text written out multiple times. The formality of giving handwritten letters is still present in the 21st Century, which is not a bad idea, but how about we speed things up a little bit?
Meet Cimon: an AI-powered robot helping astronauts on the ISS. The result of a collaborative enterprise between SpaceX, IBM and Airbus, Cimon is designed to interact with astronauts on the ISS - helping them with experiments and talking to them. Could Cimon prove to be the first step to robotic travel partners?
Have you ever wanted to try something new to eat? Or figure out what you're eating? This may have been a problem 20 years ago, where you might have consulted a culinary expert, but not anymore…
A peak on the opportunities created by AI in transport and the efforts to make transport safer, more reliable, efficient and cleaner.