Do you have a business? Or do you want to start one? Here is some insider information on how you can save both your money and your time by integrating AI into your business!
The media have given a lot of coverage on ML and AI, yet what amount have they discussed them in an economic manner? Here are the two stances many people take regarding Artificial intelligence in the banking/finance/economic industries...
A dive into how AI can contribute to the UK economy at a market as well as firm level using the latest McKinsey report on the topic.
A look into how chatbots are already starting to cut costs for the banking sector and looking into the future with predictions from a Juniper Research study.
AI could change the finance industry - from tackling fraud to targeted marketing.
With the 2020 economic crash, returns on investments have fallen through the floor. Despite this, one Swedish firm is crushing their goals using AI.
Despite an ever growing competitive industry Kumesh Aroomoogan and Anshul Vikram Pandey were able to create a successful AI tool that has a drastic impact on the mundane activites employees have to do as part of their job , and are now increasing the accessibility of their applications to businesses without data scientists or experts in AI.
Blockchain and Augmented Analysis are two AI applications that could support an economic recovery.
An extensive look into how AI and voice recognition technology will impact the banking sector leading to improvements in customer service and user experience.
AI is likely to ride the next wave of global economic recovery, but which firms are outperforming others in the sector?
The global pandemic has highlighted 3 key incentives for the introduction of AI into supply chains.
AI has created a financial revolution for incumbent and Fintech firms but in different ways.
Can AI solve the $15.5trn trade finance gap?
India is the most digitally mature nation in the world combining the second largest startup ecosystem and an extensive developer base
Despite aggressive investment into AI by firms in the UK’s financial industry, the firms seem reluctant to fully embrace AI.
A look into how the US adding major Chinese AI companies to the “Entity List“ will affect the growth of AI development in China.
AI has supported UK firms amidst political uncertainty and environmental pressure even impacting policy making.
A look into the problem of online counterfeits, as well as the current solutions to the issue and how AI could end the ever-growing problem.
In recent years AI has focused on reducing operational slack but soon AI may see more growth in promoting sales growth.
A look into how Azimo is using AI to tackle the issues traditional remittance services can’t, with insights from an exclusive interview with Azimo’s CEO Michael Kent.
India, not commonly known as being at the forefront of AI, will soon become the very first nation to implement AI as as part of its tax assessment process.
A shocking investigation conducted by The Wall Street Journal has revealed that cybercriminals successfully stole $243,000 USD by impersonating the voice of the chief executive of a UK based energy firm.
The manufacturing giant Airbus has introduced AI as part of its finance function and reaped the rewards.
How Microsoft is collaborating with OpenAI to help them achieve the goal of “artificial general intelligence (AGI) with widely distributed economic benefits” and helping them commercialise some of their pre-AGI technologies.
The popular consensus has been that any net job creation from AI will be for high-skilled workers but research has found that a low-skilled silent army will also be necessary to build AI.
The involvement of AI in the future of banking and investment. Will robo-advisors ever be as efficient as brokerage firms and agents? Time will tell.
AI is innovating most industries but few are receiving efficiency gains equal to the finance sector
Why Japan may lose its crown as global leader in tech innovation, and a look into how this could be averted
A detailed look into the general situation regarding AI and technological unemployment, taking into account the history of structural changes in economies due to technological advancements. The article also dives into a recent survey from Gartner Research in order to better understand the future intentions of firms as technologies progress